58th National Prayer Breakfast


58th National Prayer Breakfast

        The Honorable Amy Klobuchar, US Senate, Minnesota
        The Honorable Johnny Isakson, US Senate, Georgia

Opening Music
        Mr. Robert Fraumann

        The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
        The Honorable Johnny Isakson

Pre-Breakfast Prayer
        Rear Admiral Barry Black, CHC, USN(Ret.)
        Chaplain, US Senate


        The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
        The Honorable Johnny Isakson

Song(God Bless America)       
        Sergeant First Class MaryKay Messenger

Reading from the Holy Scriptures 
        The Honorable Ron Wyden, US Senate, Oregon

Greeting from the US House of Representatives Breakfast Group
        The Honorable W. Todd Akin, US House, Missouri
        The Honorable Charlie Wilson, US House, Ohio

Prayer for National Leaders           
        The Honorable Orrin Hatch, US Senate, Utah

Reading from the Holy Scriptures 
        His Excellency Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
        The Prime Minister of Spain

Prayer for World Leaders
        Admiral Michael Mullen,
        Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

        The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
        US Secretary of State

The President of the United States

Closing Song
        Mr. Ralph Freeman

        The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
        The Honorable Johnny Isakson

Closing Prayer
        Mr. Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy Winner, 2007

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